Hackathon 2023

February 20 - 24, 2023

Over 60 developers from 9 organizations (BCS, TextTree, MVH Solutions, Idiomas Puentes, Biblica, Wycliffe, SIL, Clear, and unfoldingWord) participated in the 2023 iLab Open Components Learnathon and Hackathon. While the learnathon was a virtual event via zoom, for the Hackathon, we had 10 teams working on 12 different projects across 4 physical sites as well as online including Orlando- Florida, New Delhi- India, Avignon - France and Arlington - Texas. During the learnathon, we held 6 learning sessions on topics ranging from unfoldingWord’s custom build of Electron to Scripture App Builder’s use of Proskomma. The hackathon teams explored various innovative technologies including applying AI to original text alignment, connecting Biblical place names to other open resources, adding an avatar on top of sign language videos, and mapping various parts of the Open Components Ecosystem.

To learn more about the Learnathon click here.

Final Team Presentation Video
  • 1:50 Team Publisher (India): RCL for USFM to PDF preview
  • 14:00 Team Signing Avatar (India): Using animation technology develop a digital avatar that detects human motions in a sign language video.
  • 23:50 Team Cornerstone (India): Reverse Interlinear Bible which displays the English translation corresponding to the original language text.
  • 31:00 Team Valis Aperta / Open Valley (France): Diegesis features (Diegesis Sandbox, Search by Strong’s numbers, react native mobile app using proskomma locally)
  • 33:39 Team Documentators (Online): Open Bible Composer domain diagram
  • 55:26 Team AAARG (Almost Accurate Alignment Algorithm Realtime Goal) (Data team - France): New AI - ReservoirPy for pattern recognition in text and audio files. Explored it for identifying patterns in alignment.
  • 1:10:00 Team Translation Validation Bootstrappers ( Colorado - Biblica): Identify most challenging aspects of translation and explore machine translation
  • 1:26:00 Team Knowledge (Orlando): Explore Open Datasets for “places” data. Included showing linkages between Step Bible data with Translation Words lists, secondly with Pleiades data using latitude and longitude approach and finally with Open Bible Geo Data.
  • 1:35:00 Team Micro librarians (Online): OBS Progressive Web App and framework agnostic libraries.
  • 1:48:00 Team AAARG (Almost Accurate Alignment Algorithm Realtime Goal)(Code team - Orlando): Automated alignment for same language new texts and new language new texts.